หน้าหลัก ข่าว/กิจกรรม ผลงานตีพิมพ์ หนังสือ เกี่ยวกับเรา ติดต่อ

                                       Conferences Prceedings

  - 2012

• ECTI-CARD conference 1 papers (accepted)

• ITC-CSCC conference 1 papers (accepted)

• ISCIT conference 1 papers (submitted)

• I-SEEC conference 4 papers (submitted)

• NPRU conference 4 papers (submitted)

  - 2011

• S. Koonkarnkhai, P. Keeratiwintakorn, N. Chirdchoo, and P. Kovintavewat, “Two-Dimensional Cross-Track  Asymmetric Target Design for High-Density Bit-Patterned Media Recording,” in Proc. of ISPACS 2011, Chiang Mai, Thailand, December 7 – 9, 2011.

• C. Warisarn, P. Supnithi, and P. Kovintavewat, “Reduced-Complexity Modified Per-Survivor Iterative Timing Recovery Using M-Algorithm for Magnetic Recording System,” in Proc. of ISPACS 2011, Chiang Mai, Thailand, December 7 – 9, 2011.

• P. Supnithi, P. Kovintavewat, and C. Pupaichitkul, “Thermal Response Characteristics and Model for Head/Disk Interaction in TMR Heads” in Proc. of MMM 2011, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, Oct. 30 - Nov. 3, 2011,  AS-09.

• S. Panichprecha, N. Pongsawatkul, C. Mitrpant, U.Ketprom, and P. Kovintavewat, “Multi-threading in Disk Cloner,” in Proc. of ECTI-CON 2011, Khon Kaen, Thailand, May 17 – 20, 2011, pp. 512 – 515.

• A. Kongsakul, C. Tantibundhit, and P. Kovintavewat, “Efficiency Improvement of Data Duplicating Method Based on Pipeline Processing,” in Proc. of ICESIT 2011, Phuket, Thailand, Feb 9 – 11, 2011, pp.241-244.

  - 2010

•  ธีระชาติ ทองคำ, สันติ กูลการขาย, ปิยะ โควินท์ทวีวัฒน์, และพรชัย ทรัพย์นิธิ, “ประสิทธิภาพของการทำงานร่วมกันระหว่าง   การกำจัดความขรุขระเชิงความร้อนและอีควอไลเซชันแบบเทอร์โบในช่องสัญญาณการบันทึก
เชิงแม่เหล็กแบบแนวตั้ง,” การประชุมวิชาการทางวิศวกรรมไฟฟ้า ครั้งที่ 33, เชียงใหม่, 1 – 3 ธันวาคม 2553, CM 045, หน้า 1025 – 1028.

•  สุเมธ นัฏสถาพร, จาตุรงค์ ตันติบัณฑิต, ปิยะ โควินท์ทวีวัฒน์, กุลฉัตร เสนีวงศ์ ณ อยุธยา, สราพงศ์ ชุมวงศ์, และธีรศักดิ์ sงวนมานะศักดิ์, “วิธีการตรวจหาสิ่งแปลกปลอมบนภาพถ่ายของหัวอ่านของฮาร์ดดิสก์ไดรฟ์,” การประชุมวิชาการทางวิศวกรรมไฟฟ้า ครั้งที่ 33, เชียงใหม่, 1 – 3 ธันวาคม 2553, DS 013, หน้า 1429 – 1252.

•  S. Jantarapatin, C. Mitrpant, C. Tantibundhit, T. Nuamcherm, and P. Kovintavewat, “Performance 
   Comparison of the Authentication Protocols in RFID System,” The International ACM conference on 
   Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (MEDES'10), October 26 - 29, 2010, Miracle Grand 
   Convention hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.

•  S. Koonkarnkhai, C. Tantibundhit, and P. Kovintavewat, “A TA Suppression Method Based on Wavelet Packet,” in Proc. of ITC-CSCC 2010, Pattaya, Thailand, July 4-7, 2010, pp. 80 – 83.

•  K. Srisang, S. Suwansawang, P. Kovintavewat, and A. Thanachayanont, “A New Adaptive Algorithm  For Channel Equalization,” in Proc. of ITC-CSCC 2010, Pattaya, Thailand, July 4-7, 2010, pp. 692 – 695.

•  S. Prakunweerawat, P. Kovintavewat, and P. Supnithi, “A New Method of Amplitude Asymmetry Detection for Magnetic Recording Channels,” in Proc. of DST-CON 2010, Bangkok, Thailand, July 30 – August 1, 2010, pp. 206 – 209.

•  T. Thongkam, S. Koonkarnkhai, P. Kovintavewat, and P. Supnithi, “Investigation of Iterative TA Suppression Method in Perpendicular Recording System,” in Proc. of DST-CON 2010, Bangkok, Thailand, July 30 – August 1, 2010, pp. 194 – 197.

•  N. Phatsawan, P. Kovintavewat, and A. Thanachayanont, “Design of Noise Predictive Maximum  Likelihood (NPML) Detector with Jitter Noise in Perpendicular Recording Channels,” in Proc. of DST-CON 2010, Bangkok, Thailand, July 30 – August 1, 2010, pp. 190 – 193.

•  S. Nutsatarporn, P. Kovintavewat, and C. Tantibundhit, “Per-Survivor Iterative Interpolated Timing Recovery for Magnetic Recording System,” in Proc. of DST-CON 2010, Bangkok, Thailand, July 30 – August 1, 2010, pp. 218 – 221.

•  S. Thamakam, K. Powers, P. Kovintavewat, and P. Supnithi, “A New Thermal Response Model  Induced by Head/Disk Interaction in Current TGMR Head,” in Proc. of DST-CON 2010, Bangkok, Thailand, July 30 – August 1, 2010, pp. 202 – 205.

•  เขมกร ศรีสังข์, โสภาพรรณ สุวรรณสว่าง, และปิยะ โควินท์ทวีวัฒน์, “การประยุกต์ใช้อัลกอริทึม LMS สำหรับการอีควอไลเซชันในช่องสัญญาณการบันทึกข้อมูลแบบแนวตั้ง,” in Proc. of the 2nd NPRU National Conference, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, Thailand, June 15 – 17, 2010, pp. 483 – 488.

•  ณัฏฐนันท์ ภัทรสวัณต์ และปิยะ โควินท์ทวีวัฒน์, “ประสิทธิภาพของวงจรตรวจหา NPML ในช่องสัญญาณการบันทึกแบบแนวตั้งที่มีผลกระทบของสัญญาณรบกวนสื่อบันทึก,” in Proc. of the 2nd NPRU National Conference, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, Thailand, June 15 – 17, 2010, pp. 501 – 506.

•  สุเมธ นัฏสถาพร, ปิยะ โควินท์ทวีวัฒน์, จาตุรงค์ ตันติบันฑิต, “การเปรียบเทียบความซับซ้อนของไทมมิ่งริคัฟเวอรีแบบประมาณค่า
   ในช่วงสำหรับระบบการบันทึกเชิงแม่เหล็กแบบแนวตั้ง,” in Proc. of the 2nd NPRU National Conference, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, Thailand, June 15 – 17, 2010, pp. 507 – 512.

•  C. Warisarn, P. Kovintavewat, and P. Supnithi, “Modified Per-Survivor Iterative Timing Recovery  in Perpendicular Magnetic Recording,” in Proc. of PMRC 2010, Japan, May 17 – 19, 2010.

•  P. Kovintavewat and S. Koonkarnkhai, “Joint TA Suppression and Turbo Equalization for Magnetic  Recording Channels,” in Proc. of the 11th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, Washington, DC, USA,  January 18 – 22, 2010, p. GH-03.

•  C. Warisarn, P. Kovintavewat, and P. Supnithi, “Iterative Timing Recovery with the Split-Preamble  Strategy for Magnetic Recording Channels,” in Proc. of the 11th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference,  Washington, DC, USA, January 18 – 22, 2010, p. GH-09.

  - 2009

•  C. Warisarn, P. Kovintavewat, and P. Supnithi, “Bi-Directional Timing Recovery for Magnetic Recording Systems,”     in Proc. of TENCON 2009, November 23 – 26, 2009, Singapore.

•  P. Kovintavewat, S. Koonkarnkhai, C. Tuntibundhit, S. Thamakam, “A TA Suppression Method Based on Wavelet    Transform for Perpendicular Recording Channels,” in Proc. of ITC-CSCC 2009, Jeju Island, Korea, pp. 1511 – 1514,    July 5 – 8, 2009

•  S. Thamakam, P. Kovintavewat, et al., “Characterization of Thermal Response Induced by Head/Disk Interaction in    Current TGMR Head,” in Proc. of DST-CON 2009, DST-132, Thailand Science Park Convention Center, Bangkok,    Thailand, May 13 – 15, 2009.

•  P. Kovintavewat and S. Koonkarnkhai, “A New Thermal Asperity Detection and Correction Algorithm for    Perpendicular Recording Channels,” in Proc. of DST-CON 2009, DST-117, Thailand Science Park Convention Center,    
Bangkok, Thailand, May 13 – 15, 2009.

•  P. Kovintavewat, C. Warisarn, and P. Supnithi, “Bi-Directional Timing Recovery for Perpendicular Magnatic    Recording Channels,” in Proc. of DST-CON 2009, DST-122, Thailand Science Park Convention Center, Bangkok,    
Thailand, May 13 – 15, 2009.

•  S. Koonkarnkhai, P. Kovintavewat, and P. Keeratiwintakorn, “The Effect of Bandpass Filters for Thermal Asperity    Suppression in Perpendicular Recording Systems,” in Proc. of ECTI-CON 2009, Pattaya, Thailand, vol. 2, pp. 1022 –    1025, May 6 – 9, 2009.

•  S. Makwimanloy, P. Kovintavewat, et al., “A Novel Anti-Collision Algorithm for High-Density RFID Tags,” in Proc. of    ECTI-CON 2009, Pattaya, Thailand, vol. 2, pp. 848 – 851, May 6 – 9, 2009.

•  P. Kovintavewat, S. Koonkarnkhai, and S. Thamakam, “A Novel Thermal Asperity Suppression for Perpendicular    Recording Channels,” IEEE International Conference on Magnetics (INTERMAG 2009), BP-06, Sacramento, CA, USA,    May 4 – 8, 2009.

  - 2008

•  สันติ กูลการขาย และ ปิยะ โควินท์ทวีวัฒน์, “การระงับความขรุขระเชิงความร้อนแบบที่ถูกปรับปรุงในช่องสัญญาณการบันทึกแบบแนวตั้ง,   การประชุมวิชาการทางวิศวกรรมไฟฟ้า ครั้งที่ 31, นครนายก, ฉบับที่ 2 , 29 – 31 ตุลาคม 2008, CM-05, หน้า 665 – 668.

•  P. Kovintavewat and S. Koonkarnkhai, “Thermal Asperity Suppression Based on Least Squares Fitting in    Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Systems,” in Proc. of The 53rd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic   Materials (Abstracts), Austin, Texas, pp. 211 – 212, November 10 -14, 2008. 

•  P. Kovintavewat, C. Warisarn, and P. Supnithi, “An MMSE Infinite Impulse Response Equalizer for Perpendicular    Recording Channels with    Jitter Noise, in Prof. of ITC-CSCC 2008 , Shimonoseki City, Japan, pp. 929 – 932, July 6 – 9,    2008. 

•  T. Nuamcherm, P. Kovintavewatet al ., “An Improved Proof for RFID Tags,” in Proc. of ECTI-CON 2008, Krabi,    Thailand, vol. II, pp. 737 – 740, May 14 – 16, 2008. 

•  S. Makwimanloy, P. Kovintavewatet al ., “A New Anti-Collision Based on A-Priori Information,” in Proc. of ECTI-CON    2008, Krabi, Thailand, vol. II, pp. 733 – 736, May 14 – 16, 2008.

•  S. Mukviboonchai, P. Kovintavewat, D. Thammasiri, “The Conceptual Framework for the Development of Thailand    Economic Animal Traceability System,” in Proc. of ECTI-CON 2008, Krabi, Thailand, vol. I, pp. 201 – 204, May 14 – 16,    2008.

•  C. Warisarn, P. Kovintavewat, P. Supnithi, “An Infinite Impulse Response Equalizer for Magnetic Recording    Channels, ” DST-CON 2008, Miracle Grand Conventional Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, p. 076, April 21 – 23, 2008.

  - 2007

•  P. Kovintavewat, “Timing recovery in magnetic recording channels,” in Proc. of ECTI-CON 2007, ChaingRai,    Thailand. 

  - 2006 

•  P. Kovintavewat, “Robustness of per-survivor iterative timing recovery against thermal asperity in perpendicular    recording channels,” in Proc. of ECTI-CON 2006, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, vol. I/II, pp. 239 – 242, May 10 – 13,    2006. 

•  P. Kovintavewat, “Oversampled timing recovery for magnetic recording channels,” in Proc. of ECTI-CON 2006, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, vol. I/II, pp. 235 – 238, May 10 – 13, 2006.

  - 2005 

• Piya Kovintavewat, John R. Barry, M. Fatih Erden, and Erozan M. Kurtas, "Robustness of Per-Survivor Iterative    Timing Recovery in Perpendicular Recording Channels, " to appear in INTERMAG 2005, Nagoya, Japan, 
   April 4 - 8, 2005.

• Piya Kovintavewat, John R. Barry, M. Fatih Erden, and Erozan M. Kurtas, "Reduced-Complexity Per-Survivor    Iterative Timing Recovery for Coded Partial Response Channels, " to appear in ICASSP 2005, Philadelphia, PA, USA,    March 19 - 23, 2005. 

  - 2004 

• Piya Kovintavewat and John R. Barry, "EXIT Chart Analysis for Iterative Timing Recovery," to appear in Globecom    2004, Dallas, Texas, USA, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004

• Piya Kovintavewat, John R. Barry, M. Fatih Erden, and Erozan M. Kurtas, "Per-Survivor Iterative Timing Recovery for    Coded Partial Response Channels, " to appear in Globecom 2004, Dallas, Texas, USA, Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2004. 

• Piya Kovintavewat, John R. Barry, M. Fatih Erden, and Erozan M. Kurtas, "Per-Survivor Timing Recovery for    Uncoded Partial Response Channels," to be appeared in Proc. Int. Conf. Commun. (ICC2004), Paris, France, June 
   20-24, 2004. 

  - 2003 

• Piya Kovintavewat, M. Fatih Erden, Erozan M. Kurtas, and John R. Barry, "A New Timing Recovery Architecture for    Fast Convergence,IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2003), Bangkok, Thailand, vol. 2,    pp. 13-16, May 25 - May 28, 2003. 


• Piya Kovintavewat, M. Fatih Erden, Erozan M. Kurtas, and John R. Barry, "Oversampled Timing Recovery for    Magnetic Recording Channels,IEEE International Conference on Magnetics (INTERMAG2003), Boston,    Massachusetts, USA,    pp. DT-06, March 30 - April 3, 2003. 

• Piya Kovintavewat, M. Fatih Erden, Erozan M. Kurtas, and John R. Barry, "Employing Fractionally-Spaced Equalizers    for Magnetic Recording Channels,IEEE Joint North American Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Conference   (NAPMRC2003), Monterey, California, USA, pp. 43, January 6-8, 2003. 

  - 2002 

• Piya Kovintavewat, Inci Ozgunes, Erozan M. Kurtas, John R. Barry, and Steven W. McLaughlin, "Generalized Partial    Response Targets for Perpendicular Recording with Jitter Noise ," IEEE Trans. on Magnetics , vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 2340 -    2342, September 2002.

• Piya Kovintavewat, Inci Ozgunes, Erozan M. Kurtas, John R. Barry, and Steven W. McLaughlin, "Generalized Partial    Response Targets for Perpendicular Recording,IEEE International Conference on Magnetics (INTERMAG2002),    Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. GP-03, April 28-May 2, 2002.

