Scilab/Scicos code generator for DSP/micro controller
Using the Scilab/Scicos FLEX Toolbox (now update to the last Scilab 4.1.2) it is possible to automatically generate code from Scicos diagrams to fast prototype
digital control systems for |
micro controller and DSP embedded application.
This work has been done by Evidence (Italy) in collaboration with Simone Mannori (INRIA Roquencourt, Fr) and Roberto Bucher (SUPSI Lugano, Ch) |
Scilab - LabVIEW™ Gateway
Connecting LabVIEW with Scilab
and getting Scilab's power through LabVIEW.
Download Scilab - LabVIEW Gateway. LabVIEW is a trademark of National Instruments. |
Scilab Toolboxes
Scilab is an open source software. There are many ways to contribute to Scilab, andusers are invited to share their experience of Scilab by submitting their own functions, toolboxes, documentation, user guides, translations etc. Your contribution to Scilab is welcome.
See the dedicated web pages. |

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ชุดคำสั่ง SCILAB สำหรับทุกแบบฝึกหัดที่ปรากฏใน TEXT BOOK
ที่สอนทางด้านวิทยาศาสตร์และวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ (เกือบทุกสาขา)..
Digital Communications :
Electronic Communication Systems by George Kennedy, Bernard Davis, McGraw-Hill, 2006
Electrical Technology :
Principles of Power Systems by V K Mehta and Rohit Mehta, S Chand, New Delhi, 2009
Computer Programming :
Data structures through C and C++ by Yedidyah Langsam ,Moshe J.Augenstein and Aaron Ten, Prentise Hall Publications, 2006
Chemical Engineering :
Fundamentals Of Thermodynamics by Claus Borgnakke, Richard E. Sonntag, Wiley, 2010
Embedding Scilab/Scicos
Scilab-EMB is the porting of the complete Scilab 4.x platform on a Linux OS optimized for embedded PC based on ARM processor. The full documentation
of the project it is available on the website maintained by |
Zhe Peng (Cn) and Longhua Ma (Cn). |
Scilab used in Eurocodes
The French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Town and Country Planning advises , for research departments and for public construction & building sector, to employ Scilab to get used to the |
Eurocodes. The Eurocodes are a new set of European structural design codes for building and civil engineering works. |
Scicos: Scilab's block diagram modeler/simulator
Developped by Metalau research-team, from INRIA Paris - Rocquencourt research center, Scicos is a graphical dynamical system modeler and simulator toolbox.
Scicos is used for applications in control,communication, |
signal processing, queuing systems, electro-mechanical, physical and biological systems. With Scicos you can create block diagrams to model and simulate the dynamics of hybrid ynamical systems and generate standalone C source code. Note that Scicos is delivered into Scilab. |